Why are some people opposed to gay couples being allowed to adopt children?

Erik MojicaSimply put, most who oppose the adoption of children by gay couple hold the view that all children have the right to a mother and a father. To deny this right to the children denies them the children the unique parental qualities of each gender/role.See Questions On Quora from Answers by Erik Mojica on... Continue Reading →

Why are some people opposed to gay couples being allowed to adopt children?

Erik MojicaSimply put, most who oppose the adoption of children by gay couple hold the view that all children have the right to a mother and a father. To deny this right to the children denies them the children the unique parental qualities of each gender/role.See Questions On Quora from Answers by Erik Mojica on... Continue Reading →

Who was the first pope who actually carried the title during his lifetime?

Erik MojicaBased on my short research it seems that Pope Siricius is the earliest to use the title in reference to the office as we know it today. That said, pope simple means papa or father, which is a more widely used term in referencing Catholic priests and bishops.See Questions On Quora from Answers by... Continue Reading →

Who was the first pope who actually carried the title during his lifetime?

Erik MojicaBased on my short research it seems that Pope Siricius is the earliest to use the title in reference to the office as we know it today. That said, pope simple means papa or father, which is a more widely used term in referencing Catholic priests and bishops.See Questions On Quora from Answers by... Continue Reading →

Is it wrong for Catholics to think about love and procreation ?

Erik MojicaNo and I would say that your thoughts are good. May I suggest that you pray for your future spouse and children most especially when you think about the future.See Questions On Quora from Answers by Erik Mojica on Quora http://bit.ly/2cVZmhI via IFTTT

Is it wrong for Catholics to think about love and procreation ?

Erik MojicaNo and I would say that your thoughts are good. May I suggest that you pray for your future spouse and children most especially when you think about the future.See Questions On Quora from Answers by Erik Mojica on Quora http://bit.ly/2cVZmhI via IFTTT

I have much regret and remorse for not speaking to my family for years due to petty grudges. How can I be forgiven?

Erik MojicaFirst, ask forgiveness from God. If you're a Catholic able to receive confession. Go and confess your sins.Next, ask God for the strength and wisdom to speak to those persons you've offended and ask they're forgiveness. Go and do this. Do so in love and without the expectation of nothing more than your expression... Continue Reading →

Do I have to make my kids participate in Catholic services if my kids are not Catholic, but they go to a private Catholic School?

Erik MojicaIt depends mostly on the policy of the school/parish/diocese. Generally speaking, most schools likely require participation at daily mass and prayer as Catholic school is Catholic. These schools are part of religious formation and classical education.A Catholic, or any religious school for that matter, states that no one is required to participate in some... Continue Reading →

What are the underlying causes of Twitter’s heightened relevance in the 2016 US Presidential election?

Erik MojicaInstant access and interaction with potential voters and persons across the globe; however, the censorship of some and bias against others exhibited by Twitter (via management) are the more likely underlying factors.See Questions On Quora from Answers by Erik Mojica on Quora http://bit.ly/2cwaXX1 via IFTTT

I have much regret and remorse for not speaking to my family for years due to petty grudges. How can I be forgiven?

Erik MojicaFirst, ask forgiveness from God. If you're a Catholic able to receive confession. Go and confess your sins.Next, ask God for the strength and wisdom to speak to those persons you've offended and ask they're forgiveness. Go and do this. Do so in love and without the expectation of nothing more than your expression... Continue Reading →

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