If you can pray for the last time of your life, what will you pray for?

Jesus, mercy.

The Venerable Fulton J. Sheen recounted an encounter once with a woman who asked him to visit her brother who was dying in a hospital and had left the Church, angry at God. A convert to atheism even.

Sheen tells the story in his “Sheen” Catechism dubbing this the “"Divine Invasion.” He tells how he visited the hospital daily taking baby steps with this ailing soul; slowly making his way into the room and eventually conversing with him.

When he was in the room words were said and the man wanted Sheen out. Sheen responded by stating hag he had brought the Good Lord along too and asking the man if he wanted Him out as well. Sheen of course was referring to Jesus’ Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

The man fell silent and Sheen left but not before asking the man to say “"Jesus, mercy” if and when he felt the pull of death.

Sheen continues and states that not long after he left he received a call from the hospital (or maybe it was upon a visit to him the following day) Sheen was informed the man died not long after Sheen left. The Venerable archbishop asked the nurses if the man said anything (there were no cell phones of course so it wouldve been near impossible to reach Sheen so to administer the Sacrament of Extreme Unction). The nurse replied that on the heels of Sheen’s departure the man started saying and repeating, “Jesus, mercy.”

That story always brings me to tears. Simply to think or utter His name and petition for mercy at my last moments would be a grace far beyond what I deserve. And I have no doubt that man received mercy and reconciliation from Jesus; He wants all to be saved – though not all will be.

It is for us to freely choose.

See Questions On Quora

from Answers by Erik Mojica on Quora http://bit.ly/2ifepKR

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